bishieobsessed Mar 19, 2013 01:32
time to make a miracle happen, esto va pa' twitter, this way to cpa
bishieobsessed Sep 28, 2012 18:18
procrastinating, time to make a miracle happen, still not dead yet, fml, i am made of fail, you didn't know i could fangirl, si me lo sigo imaginando voy a pecar, bishies, sprite las cosas como son, esto va pa' twitter, my logic is unquestionable!, vidya games
bishieobsessed Apr 22, 2012 00:34
procrastinating, college, today was a good day, shouldn't be posting at this hour, still not dead yet, time to make a miracle happen, the day in review, you didn't know i could fangirl, i am made of fail, puerto rico, sprite las cosas como son, yugioh, @flist, yali wants, my logic is unquestionable!, it's good in theory
bishieobsessed Dec 06, 2011 00:37
procrastinating, crazy, internet psycho, esto va pa' twitter, college, anime: uta no prince-sama!, anticipating winter break, today was a good day, shouldn't be posting at this hour, time to make a miracle happen, still not dead yet, #musicmonday, music, writing, you didn't know i could fangirl, i am made of fail, i love this band, si me lo sigo imaginando voy a pecar, sprite las cosas como son, @flist, when will it end?, context is important, my logic is unquestionable!, it's good in theory
bishieobsessed Nov 01, 2011 22:54
time to make a miracle happen, still not dead yet, the day in review, when will it end?, birthday, the cake is a lie, yali wants, college, anticipating winter break
bishieobsessed Aug 09, 2011 13:44
summer '11 vacation, time to make a miracle happen, multi-post, anime convention, puerto rico, sprite las cosas como son, crazy, plans for today, or so i've heard, yali wants, esto va pa' twitter, college, it's good in theory